Welcome to the Village of Centuria
The Village of Centuria welcomes you. We are pleased that you chose this area to locate your family or business.
Village Of Centuria
305 Wisconsin Avenue
PO Box 280
Centuria, WI 54824
E-mail centuriavillage@lakeland.ws
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com\villageofcenturia
Office hours are 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday – Friday
Shop hours are 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 715-646-2321
Village Services
- Water and sewer is provided through Centuria Municipal Water and Sewer Utilities 715-646-2300 or after hours 715-646-2227
- Electric is provided through Northwestern Electric 800-261-1200
- Telephone, Internet, and Cable is provided through either CenturyLink 1-800-872-4016 or Lakeland Telecom 715-825-2171
- Natural Gas is provided through WE Energies 1-800-242-9137
- Inter County Leader is the official newspaper for the Village publications.
- Centuria Library is open Mondays-Fridays 12:00pm-6:00pm. Saturdays 10:00am-12:00pm..
- Post Office hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00am-12:00 then 12:30pm-3pm. Saturdays are 11am-noon. Phone number is 715-646-2121
Village Information
- Building permits are required for all building projects and most remodeling projects. The fees are related to the project. All permits must be posted on project site. reminspecting.com for a building permit application.
- No parking on any village streets November 1st to April 15th between the hours of 3am-7am.
- Dogs~ All dogs must be on a leashed or in a kennel at all times. All dogs 6 months or older need to be licensed. Annual licenses are available at the village office and are good until December 31st. License fee for spayed or neutered pets are $5.00, unaltered are $10.00. There is an ordinance for barking dogs so please be kind to your neighbors and keep your dogs quiet.
- Each spring the village provides the means for cleaning up your home/yard. The village crew will pick up most things you set on the curb for a nominal fee. They are unable to take anything with freon.
- ATV'S are allowed on most village streets year round. Speed limit is 10 mph Snowmobile traffic is allowed on most streets as a means to and from your home to the trails. Recreational vehicles must obey all traffic rules. ATV AND SNOWMOBILES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TRAVEL ON 4TH STREET FROM POLK AVENUE TO MICHIGAN AVENUE OR ON MICHIGAN AVENUE FROM 2ND TO 4TH STREET. All drivers must be licensed.